How much do Workers’ Comp lawyers Charge? Workers’ Comp attorney’s work on a contingent fee, meaning that they will not be paid if no recovery is made (unless the parties agree in advance to a minimum fee of $500). This percentage is governed by law.
Attorney fees are set and regulated by the state of Michigan. For settlements that involve a redemption hearing the attorney fees are 20% of the first $100,000 recovered, then 15% of anything over $100,000 if the case is actually litigated and then settled before trial. This is a based on the net amount of the settlement after expenses are factored out.
If there is a Voluntary Payment (form) that is agreed to between the parties, then the attorney fee is 30% of the net amount after expenses are deducted from the gross amount of the settlement.
There are other scenarios’ if a claim is successful at trial, settled after a trial or appeal. It also makes a difference if it is settled prior to the Magistrates decision. The main settlements are by Redemption or Voluntary Payment.
Expenses involve the following, and are not limited to:
medical records,
Independent Medical Examinations (IME),
vocational experts fees, and
court reporter fees, etc.
There are NO fees charged on future benefits.
Why Choose Andrus Law?
No fee unless we win your case
All appointments are FREE
$1,000,000's recovered in benefits
Workers’ Compensation is our focus
Over 35-years experience
Personal attention – you won’t get shuffled around a big office